Lyme Disease Treatment
& Tick-borne Illness in New England
Lyme Disease &
Tick-borne Illness in New England
New England is the most infested and infected area for ticks in the United States, resulting in the highest number of Lyme Disease cases in the country. For being so easy to catch, Lyme Disease is very complicated, underserved, and too often misunderstood.
There are a lot of political issues, social stigma, socioeconomic stress, and trauma associated with the disease. It’s very difficult to navigate through the medical system with limited attention, community support, accurate information on the web. Many people have a hard time believing they really have Lyme disease at all because they have been told so many times it’s not possible.
We are here to listen fully. If you’ve seen multiple doctors and/or been told that Lyme Disease isn’t possible, we’re here to help. We work hard to listen to each patient’s story so we can help you in your journey toward recovering from Lyme Disease.

How is our approach different for treating Lyme disease?
All trained medical professionals know that Lyme disease and other Tick-borne infections are on the rise. Most practitioners will treat for a very brief amount of time with current standards in place. At Greenhouse Natural Medicine we are in it with you for the “long haul,” because complex chronic diseases do not come with a quick fix.
We are very proactive in using treatments best suited for the patient and treat until the symptoms are improved. Ideally this would only take 2-3 weeks to achieve, but most cases it can take much longer.
Our goal is to take a complete history of all your symptoms. Lyme disease and associated infections are always tested, but in the end, the diagnosis should be based on symptoms and history even if lab work is not clear.

Common Symptoms of Lyme & Tick-borne Disease
Migrating joint pain
Floaters in field of vision
Creepy sensation on the skin
Ringing in the ears
Inability to lose weight or weight loss that is unexplained
New onset of hair loss
Nausea or abdominal pain
Diarrhea/Constipation that is amplified – new onset IBS
Unexplained rashes
Intolerance to foods, smells, light, sound
Foggy brain
Hormone imbalances
Shortness of breath
Sweats during the day or night
Foot pain
Sudden onset of sensitivities or allergies
Loss of sensation throughout the body, tingling or burning
Mood changes (OCD, anger, weeping, anxiety)
Muscle pain and bone pain
Reoccurring fevers
Debilitating fatigue
If you have a new tick bite
Send out to a lab for testing
Call the office to make a new tick bite appointment with one of our doctors
Document any symptoms in a diary format with timeline
Take pictures of any rash or skin abnormality that is related

How do we treat new tick bites?
The best results in our clinic have been seen with an integrative approach. We also treat all tick bites with antibiotics immediately, and for at least four weeks. This significantly decreases the chance of long-term infection, and with the number of infected ticks in the area we feel the most preventative approach is to respond to the bite at the get-go.
At Greenhouse Natural Medicine we refer to ourselves at Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctors.
Your journey starts here.
If you’re in need of help for Lyme Disease or other Tick-Borne Illnesses in the New England area, please call our office. We’d love to help answer any questions you might have!